Yay, another future stalled construction project!
From the Projects That May or May Not Be Built and/or Completed file comes Metro Tower, an office building planned for construction next to the train station. It's part of the Metro Green mixed-use, transit-oriented complex, and it was just approved by the Zoning Board: http://www.stamfordadvocate.com/localnews/ci_10664760.I wonder which will finish first (if ever), this building or the new parking garage for the train station.
You can see it better if you click on the image for a larger one, but this rendering is amazingly detailed (aside from the old Thomson sign). The power box on the lower left is actually painted, just like the ones all over Stamford!
there are some residential buildings that surround it as part of the project too. If nothing else they've at least started on those.
how about this as an anchor for
this building http://gothamist.com/2008/08/25/mlb_may_bail_harlem_tower_plan.php
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