Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Down with bottled water!!

If you lament the scourge of bottled water that's plaguing our landfills and oceans with its detritus, head to Audubon Greenwich this Friday at 6:30 p.m. for a wine and cheese reception followed by a screening of Tapped. From their press release: "This documentary about the bottled water business is a timely behind-the-scenes look into the little known world of the water industry. From pumping the water, to plastic production, to the ocean in which so many of these bottles end up, this film trails the path of the bottled water industry and communities where the water is drawn."

As an added bonus, the producers of the film will be on-site to field questions from the audience after the screening. But wait, there's more! They will also host Kim Jeffrey, the CEO of Nestle Waters, for a question and answer session. And that's not all! There will also be a bottle exchange during the reception, so bring an empty plastic water bottle and get a brand-new steel water bottle from the film’s producers (while supplies last).

Space is very limited. $10/person online (+ the $2 service charge). $15.00 at the door, but only if space permits. Here's a link to the event at Audubon Greenwich's website.

Courtesy your favorite local blogger, here's another look at the true story of bottled water:
(Here's the link in case you can't see the whole video: The Story of Bottled Water.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I will not drink bottled water for a far better reason - I find too many times "things" in them.....