You know that nicely renovated building on Forest Street across from the Unitarian Universalist Society?
Depending on how long you've lived in Stamford, you may know it as the old grocery store or the old baby furniture store. Either way, its current incarnation is pretty cool, with retail on the ground floor and apartments above.
However, the signature aisle signs reveal that the ground-floor retail will be Stamford's 467th CVS location. Yay. Just what no one asked for, another CVS.
I guess it's good to have a convenient place to shop downtown aside from bodegas, but I'll tell you who's probably pretty peeved about this: the non-chain drug store that opened not long ago two doors up from the Avon. Sheesh.
If you've ever been in another country and had a bottle of Coca-Cola, you know the difference. That delicious cola flavor, the refreshing fizz, the sweet aftertaste - it blows away anything you've had at home. You see, outside of the U.S., they still make Coca-Cola with sugar, not the chemical abomination known as high-fructose corn syrup. HFCS makes U.S. Coke insanely sweet and basically overpowers any actual flavor. Pepsi "Throwback" was Pepsi's attempt to remind us of what real sugar tastes like, but, sadly, it was a limited time promotional stunt.
Now, I don't drink soda very often but I do lean towards Coke, so I was thrilled to see a palette of Coca-Cola imported from Mexico at the Norwalk Costco! In glass bottles, no less! If you've never tried what I call a real bottle of Coke, you're missing out. So find a friend with a Costco membership, split a case of this stuff and enjoy!
One of the funniest people in TV and movie history is coming back to the Avon! To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Fletch, Chevy Chase will be at the Avon on Tuesday, July 13, for a wine and cheese reception and a post-film Q&A!
I didn't think it could happen, but my unabashed love for Layla's Falafel's falafel has been challenged.
I stopped at Tabouli Grill the other day and took home a falafel in pita. And it was gooooooood. The falafel was perfect, the vegetables were delicious, and the tahini was amazing.
Now I can't decide! I'm like Brad Pitt, torn between Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie!
Maybe I should borrow a page from the Stamford Pizza Tour's book and try every falafel in town to pick a clear favorite once and for all.
PS: There's NO WAY anybody's hummus can compete with Layla's'. (I hope.)
Yesterday, Columbus Park played host to the 10th Annual Charity Bathtub Derby!
Never heard of it? Missed the first nine derbies? That's probably because it only takes place on The Big C, starring Laura Linney.
I didn't actually see them run the derby, but an extra left their script lying around, and if you promise not to tell anybody, I'll fill you in on what happens in this scene!
A crowd of locals mills around, enjoying a fine summer day while they await the start of the bathtub derby.The derby drivers sit anxiously in their bathtubs. Their assistants line up behind them and push the tubs into position at the starting line.
RACE STARTER Racers ready?
They all nod their heads.
RACE STARTER Judges ready?
The judges - local TV host GARY BLEACHTEETH, former major leaguer STEVE SAX, and Miss Junior Connecticut 1962 MARY BETH JENKINS - give the starter a thumbs-up.
RACE STARTER On your marks...get set...GO!!
The racers release their handbrakes, and their bathtubs begin rolling downhill. The "pirate ship" takes an early lead, but then "shower cap guy" catches up. Coming down the home stretch, they're nose-to-nose, but out of nowhere comes "Grand Slam"! The driver is smiling from ear to ear as his victory seems assured, until --
Some bathtubs crash, while others are overturned by the angry mob. Curley's Diner goes up in flames. The police move in and try to restore order, but to no avail.
Then, BOBBY VALENTINE emerges from his restaurant, bat in hand, looking resplendent in his Chiba Lotte Marines uniform. He wades into the crowd, clobbering morons screaming about "Malloy River Park" and "mini-Manhattan."
BOBBY V. Stamford...(swat!)!)...a...(crack!)! Deal with it!
That's all I could read without risking the wrath of an angry P.A. I guess we'll all have to tune in to the show to see what happens next!
If your spouse/life partner/concubine says "There's nothing to do in this town," make them go buy a completely unnecessary iPad and then log on to Streets of Stamford to show them this post.
- This weekend, you've got the downtown French Market on Bedford Street, which runs until November.
- There's also the Greek Festival this weekend at the Church of the Annunciation (?) on Newfield Road - make sure you hit the dessert table...yummmmmmm...
- Speaking of farmers' markets, make sure you check out the other one every Wednesday in the former Tower Records parking lot on High Ridge Road.
- And speaking of church fairs, St. Mary's on Elm Street will be holding their feast June 16-20.
- Speaking of churches, Saint Gabriel on Newfield Avenue is having a tag sale on June 26th. There are also tons of local tag and garage sales throughout the summer - check the classifieds - and if you see any original Star Wars toys, let me know!
- Let's not forget about Alive @ Five! This summer's acts include The Gin Blossoms, Soul Asylum, Rusted Root, George Clinton, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy and The Beach Boys!
- Speaking of bands, make sure you check out the Bedford Street Promenade every Saturday starting at 4:00. Bedford Street will be closed to cars, and the finalists from the Battle of the Bands competition will go head-to-head for the chance to open Alive @ Five!
- Speaking of music, Pops in the Park returns every Wednesday evening in July.
- If you like laughing (and who doesn't?), everybody's favorite local improv troupe World Class Indifference can help you out at their show on June 17th at Sundance Cafe.
- And last but definitely not least is the Avon's Cult Classic movie series. They have some awesome movies on the schedule, such as Escape from New York, Jaws, Creature from the Black Lagoon (in 3-D!), and Animal House.